Saturday, June 9, 2012

Nagashima Spaland (Amusement Park)

Long time, no post! To be honest, I wasn't planning on updating this blog again until I returned home...but I figured I'd throw you guys one more bone :)

Recently the rainy season has started in Japan. I don't know how I managed to forget, but yeah....the rain be a comin'.

Today is Saturday, but there was school...agian. For some reason, recently we've had school on Satrudays a lot recently. Usually it's only twice a month at most, but this month in particular every Saturday there is school. 
Anyway, today I helped out with the middle school English class again. We performed "Head, Shoulders, Feet and Toes" for the parents. It was really cute and fun!
After that I saw the last half of a guest speaker's discussion. It was about taking care of unhealthy babies around the world. Turns out he studied abroad in America for a month, and just happened to study at UC Irvine...which, shockingly enough, is the college I will be attending starting this September! So that was pretty exciting.

Next week on Wednesday we have another Sport's Day Event. This time the schools being divided into volleyball teams (we've all been practicing during P.E.) and we're having matches. I'm definitely looking forward to it :)

Also, tomorrow is Eiken, which is an english test with different levels of difficulty... Japanese students take this test to prove their level of English efficiency. In other words, it's just like the test JLPT test I want to take later this year! 

Tomorrow it looks like I'm going to an Onsen again (public bath)...Now, those of you that know me, know that I'm huge on 'em baths.. Hell yeah

Anyway. I have just two weeks left in Japan. My Japanese has improved a lot... Most noticeably, I can speak casually/ UBER HIPPIN' HAPPENLY. Okay not really. But sort of :)
And my listening comprehension.  Which I'm pretty happy about! I definitely need to focus on expanding vocab, but more than anything else is grammar. Especially formal grammar, the stoof you get tested on when you take the JLPT test -__- The thing is, when you speak casually in Japanese, a lot of the times particles are dropped. But that's definitely not the case with more polite speech. 

Anyway anyway anyway. Still having a great time here. I still can't seem to make up my mind...Was three months too long? Too short? Regardless, I know I'll definitely abosolutely positively will be back. When, and for what reason, well..I don't know xP

This will probably be my last post until I get back home. 

P.S. I messed up a previous post. I said the castle I went to was Gifu Castle, but it actually wasn't. I know this because recently I went to the real thing haha.. I gotta fix that later and post the new castle pictures xD

So, on to the pictures. About a month ago I went with my host sisters to the closest amusement park. It was about an hour a way by car, and tickets for one day ran you down about 55 bucks (if I remember correctly)


 This ride is called Japanese バイキング Yup, that's read bai-kin-gu...yeah this stuff just becomes noraml after awhile. As a side note, this word is the same as the word for "all you can eat" a restaurant bauffe place


 his pants are WAY cooler than your pants ever will be

 お化け屋敷!!Yeah, a haunted house! It wasn't scary, but it was interesting :)
 All the ride names were written in English..?



 Like a coo coo clock!


 The "lady" in the background's neck grows long. I feel like I've heard this folk tale before. Pictures weren't allowed inside, but I also saw a lady with no face. I think the story goes like...well she steals your face or something

 yeah the camera did this on it's own.. creepy

 Super colorful Ferris wheel :)

 Taken from the top of the Ferris wheel!


Yup. Miss you guys! Hope you enjoyed the post :)